We as humans get joy from so many things: a new outfit; dinner with friends; surprise 30th birthday bash of seeing Beyoncé at a performance in Puerto Rico; a new iPad or iPhone…. Let’s face it, most of what we enjoy cots money. Some expenditure far more elaborate than others, depending on one’s lifestyle. Albeit at the end of the day, it all boils down to the almighty dollar. After all, the bible does say that “money answers all things”.
These beautiful Islands have just muddled through two of the worst storms on record, in its recent history, leaving bedlam behind. Some homes were damaged and can be repaired, while others were not so fortunate.
It’s easy said that material things can be replaced, but the truth is that it’s not always easy. Rebuilding can take months and even years; years of additional funds, unplanned blood, sweat and tears. Not to mention, the mental and emotional turmoil over all that was lost. Remember we have been biblically admonished not to store up treasure here on earth that can erode or be stolen away, but instead store treasures in heaven. This is not to say that we are not to have anything while here on earth, but it is cautioning us to be more heavenly minded or place more value on the Spiritual rather than earthly possessions.
As the Holiday season rides in on the skirt tails of Irma’s aftermath, do not be downtrodden. Instead focus on the Seasons’ true meanings. Thanksgiving was instituted, here in the Turks & Caicos, as a day to focus on God and give Him thanks for all his mercies throughout the year. Reflect on this year and be grateful that there was no loss of life during the storms. Give thanks with a grateful heart, as there is always a silver lining in every situation.
As Christmas approaches, do not concentrate on the gifts you may be unable to purchase. Or perhaps your mind is burdened with the Christmas party you are unable to host this year or the home makeover you will have to forego… Remember that the Season really is about Jesus coming to this world as a gift from God our father. His sacrifice was self-less. He thought it better to give to humankind than to receive from it. Follow his example and see how best you can fill this Season with giving to others in need instead of focusing on our own.
Find joy in moments that matter like the memory of a child’s first words; scenes that take your breath away, like ocean waves smashing against the rocks at dawn; feelings that will never die, like a mother’s unconditional love for her children.
Though money does indeed answer all things, put everything into the right perspective. Money has its place, but life’s lasting joys can be found in its simplicities.

Snjezana Andrews, is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), holding a Master’s in Business Management and dual bachelor’s Degrees; one in Finance and the other in Accounting. Snjezana is a Senior Auditor with top international brand Pricewaterhouse Coopers. She has several entrepreneurial pursuits that have been successfully operating for over a decade. She is regular contributor with GEEMS Magazine, an Executive Board Treasurer for United Way Turks and Caicos, one of the world’s leading philanthropic organizations and sits as Executive Council member of Turks & Caicos Society of Professional Accountants. Snjezana is married and has 4 beautiful children.
by Snjezana Andrews