Girl Boss is known as girl boss-ism, is a neologism (a newly coined word or expression), which defines a woman whose success is defined in opposition to the world around her.
At the age of 38 most women have already had 2 kids, married, with a dog or pet or two. I have none. Does that define me? No, it doesn’t. In my singlehood, I have had the awesome ability to grow into a woman discovering my own giftings, independent of the world around me, regardless of a relationship or not.

I am a writer of various books and songs under my belt, have been on television, radio, and other streams of media. I’ve contributed to society with a mentor group of 10 years, teaching young ladies Christianity, Education, and youth abstinence. Not only do I teach abstinence I am still a virgin.
Yes, guys my next book due 2023, Flirting with Forty and still a Virgin, explores aspect of my singlehood. I took myself way too seriously and did not enjoy many years of my 20s. So, in this book I look back on the dating scene and see holes in my actions toward singleness and decided in to make a fun parody of it.
I used to feel some type of way about being single leading up to my 30s literally crying to God to send me a husband. I realize now that it was a moment of weakness and that I now can be whomever I want to be in life, with or without a man. My gift and contribution to the world at large with all my useful talents under God does.

Don’t get me wrong I do want to get married one day and wear that long white dress. But for now, I put on my brightest pink lipstick and proudly believe that I can live up to all my goals and expectations as a woman of strength regardless of who sits by my side.

For all you single women out there don’t lay down and wait for prince charming to come let him meet you already dressed in dignity and pride knowing that he has found a woman of virtue and strength.

Reach your own goals. Be your own Girl Boss! Take the scenes of life knowing who you are despite the challenges of everyday loneliness. Find a hobby, get involved in an organization, start your own business! Doing you is the best thing you can do. Being single does mean you can be successful. This is my encouragement to you.
Avril. S. Mitchell
Avril S. Mitchell is described as a gifted writer due to her way of creatively using words to keep the reader engaged. She is from the island of Freeport, Bahamas. She is a mentor, author, song writer and inspirational Speaker. Avril has also written various books that are now sold on Amazon. Her debut novel: From The Depths of Devastation onto the Shores of Forgiveness.
She has done creative work internationally with professional talent out of Europe Faith Parry, Brian Parry, and Loose chains who produced a song she wrote called “Heaven.”
Avril spends her time giving back to the community visiting the local orphanage as an evangelist spreading the name of Jesus Christ to every child there. The God of hope and love. She has countless experience with kids through volunteering at various summer camps and was hired by The Bahamas Ministry of Education to teach children as is her profession.
by Avril Mitchell